Tuesday 20 April 2010

Ordo Missae:

Ritus Servandus and De defectibus

Consilium - Congregation of Rites

The preparation of the celebrant
The entrance of the celebrant at the altar
The beginning of the Mass
The entrance antiphon, the Kyrie eleison, Gloria in Excelsis and
The Epistle, the Gradual and following up the Offertory
The offertory anthem and following up Canon
The Canon of the Mass until the consecration
The Canon after the Consecration
The Lord's Prayer and the follow up Communion
The prayer after Communion
The blessing at the end of Mass
What fails in Masses for the dead
Mass with a deacon
What to do if the priest celebrates twice or three times the same day

The conditions of validity
Defects of the matter
Defects on bread
Defects on wine
Defects on the form
Defects from the Minister
The lack of intent
Defects from the state of the soul
Defects from the state of the body
Faults that occur in the performance of the Department

See also Ritus Servandus and From defectibus according to the Missal of 1962


Instruction, recently published, for the implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy has introduced several changes, of varying importance, especially in the celebration of mass. It therefore seems necessary that either theOrdo MissaeOr presentations entitled "Ritus Servandus in celebrationis Missae"And"From defectibus in celebrationis Missae occurrentibus"Presentations that appear in the Roman Missal, even with a revised text, in harmony with the requirements of the aforesaid Section.

So the council to enforce the Constitution on the Liturgy, taking into account the general plan for the restoration of the Mass, has carefully developed this new revision. Our S. Congregation of Rites, in exercise of powers conferred to him by our Holy Father Pope Paul VI, has approved and declared typical ordering it to be published and that it takes place in the new editions of the Roman Missal, so that the rules it contains are faithfully observed by all.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary.

On January 27, 1965

JACQUES + Card. Lercaro
Archbishop of Bologna
Chairman of the Board for the implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy

+ ARCADIUS-M. Card. Larraona
Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites

Ferdinand Antonelli O.F.M.
Secretary of S. Congregation of Rites

Rites to be observed in the celebration of Mass

I - The preparation of the celebrant

1. The priest will celebrate Mass vaquero to prayer several times, using if desired the prayers of preparation. Then, wearing his cassock, he went to the place prepared in the sacristy or elsewhere, where the ornaments and other items necessary for the celebration. He takes the Missal, the Mass Research and has bookmarks to the texts he will say. Then he washes his hands, saying the prayer that accompanies the ritual. Then he prepares the chalice, raises above the purifying, and on it the paten with the host, he suffers slightly, if necessary, to get rid of crumbs, and he covers it with the blade of flax then with the veil of silk on the veil, it is the fellowship of the color ornaments containing the folded corporal.

2. The matters being arranged, he goes to the ornaments and it is, saying different prayers for each own. Firstly, taking the amice the ends and strings, he put on his head, he immediately lowers the neck, covering the neck of his clothes, puts the cord under the arm, then behind the back, back to the chest and attaches. Then there is the dawn, he adapts to his stature, and he girded with the girdle that the Minister has put behind. He then manipulates and puts his left arm. Then, taking the stole, he puts the environment on his neck and crosses in front of his chest, pretending the party right down the left shoulder, and left the party down the right shoulder. Then, with the ends of the string, he attached each of the two sides of the stole to the same cable on both sides. Finally, the celebrant is the chasuble, and it is fitting that covers his head.

3. If the celebrant is a bishop or an abbot who received the blessing and can make use of papal, it does not cross the stole in front of chest, but the two ends hanging down each side, and before he took the stole pectoral cross, he kisses, he puts on his neck and it hangs in front of chest at the end of cords. It does not handle the stole before, except in Masses for the dead, but he takes it to the altar, after saying theIndulgentiam.

4. If Bishop is, or has the right to use the papal and celebrates solemnly, it is the ornaments and it behaves for the rest indication Ceremonial. However, for all masses, it can take the ornaments in the sacristy. Additionally, the bishop may, if necessary, to celebrate the Mass sung in the manner of a priest.

II - The entrance of the celebrant at the altar

5. The celebrant, vested with all the ornaments, take the left hand the chalice prepared as we just mentioned, it is high across chest, taking his right hand on the purse and the cup, after the inclination to cross where the image is in the sacristy, he went to the altar, preceded by the minister who carries the Missal and other items necessary for the celebration (unless they been prepared previously). Should it pass in front of the altar, he is the inclination. Before the Blessed Sacrament, he made a genuflection. If it passes in front of an altar where Mass is celebrated at the time of the elevation, he is also kneeling bareheaded and he loves it, and it does not rise before the celebrant has rested on the calyx on the corporal.

6. Once at the altar, he discovered, behind the bar to the Minister and bowed deeply before the altar or in front of the cross placed on top. If on the altar of the Blessed Sacrament, he made the prayer. Then he climbs in the middle of the altar, raises the chalice, takes stock of the corporal he displays in the middle of the altar, and places the chalice covered with the veil, as he put the purse on the side left.

7. It is strongly recommended to devote to church even hosts for the communion of the faithful. If there are few communicants, one can put the hosts on the paten, otherwise they are placed on the corporal or a ciborium, which is placed, covered with lid, with the chalice.

8. When he placed the chalice on the altar, he celebrated Mass privately, he went to the right side, and opens the missal on the pad or console. Then, returning to the middle of the altar, having first saluted the cross, he descended to the lowest rung of the altar to make the confession.

9. If the Mass is celebrated in the presence of people, we can prepare the chalice on a table near the altar or place it on the very altar before the beginning of the mass. In this case, the celebrant, after the required hello, immediately began the prayers he must do before the steps of the altar.

10. A solemn Mass, the chalice and other items needed will be prepared on a table covered with a cloth before the celebrant comes to the altar. It moves with the deacon and subdeacon who take as his hands clasped before them walk the acolytes, bearing lighted candles with candlesticks, then they pose near the altar or on the table , and when the priest arrives at the lower grade that is the altar with the deacon on the right and left sub-deacon, before going up to the altar with them he's confession.

III - The beginning of the Mass

11. Once the celebrant has descended to the lower level of the altar, he turns to the altar and stood in the middle, hands clasped, having first made a profound bow, or, if the tabernacle the Holy Sacrament, having made a genuflection, he stands up and begins mass.

12. If it is to celebrate before the Sovereign Pontiff, it is placed before the lower level of the altar on the left before the Pope himself, and kneeling, he waits, when he received the blessing, he gets up and standing , slightly turned towards the altar, he begins mass. If it is before a cardinal, legate of the Apostolic See, a patriarch, archbishop or a bishop in the church of their jurisdiction, standing at the lower level of the left side as above, it expects that the prelate's signal that , so he made a deep bow and turned toward the altar, he begins mass.

13. If solemnly celebrated in the presence of the Sovereign Pontiff or one of the prelates listed above in the churches of their jurisdiction, standing to the left of the prelate he's confession with him and observe other rituals, such as c ' is set in the Ceremonial.

14. The celebrant was then standing at the lower level of the altar, as noted above, says, voice by signing the appropriate sign of the cross: In nomine Patris, Filii, and, and Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

15. When he signed, he always puts his left hand below the chest, but when he blesses the altar, he signed the Oblates or something, he puts it on the altar, unless different. By signing, he turned to the palm of his right hand and all fingers of the hand is extended and joined, he made the sign of the cross from forehead to chest and left shoulder to right shoulder . But he blesses other people or objects, it turns the little finger towards that blessed, and blessing it extends the entire right hand, whose fingers are all together and extended: what is observed in all the blessings.

16. Having said In nomine Patris, etc.., as above, joining hands again, he adds: V /.Introibo ad altare Dei. The minister kneeling behind him on his left, or assistants, and at the solemn mass, the ministers standing on either side meet: R /. Ad Deum laetificat iuventutem meam. Then the celebrant says immediately: V /.Nostrum in nomine Domini adiutorium. R /.Who fecit caelum et terram. Then, bowing before the altar, hands joined, he said: Confiteor Deo as in the Ordinary of the Mass, and he continues in the same manner, until the Misereatur has been said by ministers or those around him. When the minister or the attendees start Confiteor, He is recovering. When he says mea culpa it is three times the chest with his right hand, the left being placed below the chest.

17. If in the presence of the Sovereign Pontiff, a cardinal, a legate of the Apostolic See, a patriarch, an archbishop or bishop, being in the churches of their jurisdiction, where have said: vobis, fratres, He will say: tibi pater, In the same way at the end, where he would have said: vos, fratres, He will say: te paterAnd in saying this, he makes the genuflection to the Sovereign Pontiff and he bowed deeply to the other prelates.

18. When the minister or assistants (even if the Pope is present) meet the Confiteor, they say tibi, pater and te, pater, turning a little to the celebrant.

19. When the minister or the assistant made the confession, the celebrant standing responds: Misereatur Vestris etc.. Then, crossing himself, he said: Indulgentiam, etc.. and if he is a bishop or abbot, as above, he took the handles. And remaining tilted, hands clasped, he continues: Deus, you conversus, and what follows in the Ordinary of the Mass, and when he says Oremus, He then joined hands extended.

20. And then, if celebrated in the presence of the Sovereign Pontiff or other prelates listed above, having made a genuflection to the Sovereign Pontiff and a profound bow to the other prelates, he went to the middle of the altar before the lower level and there he begins to whisper: Aufer a nobis as in the Ordinary of the mass.

21. While saying in a low voice Aufer a nobis etc.., the celebrant, his hands clasped, rises in the middle of the altar and then bowed and hands resting on the altar, he said: Oramus te, Domine, etc.. and when he says: Quorum reliquiae hic sunt he kisses the altar by placing hands extended at equal distance from both sides.

22. All prayers to say at the bottom of the steps of the altar, and prayers Aufer a nobis and Oramus, but not the kiss the altar, should be omitted whenever another liturgical action immediately preceded it. In these cases, the celebrant, after the altar hello required, it goes without saying, and after having raised the chalice, if necessary, kisses the altar, still without saying anything.

IV - The entrance antiphon, the Kyrie and Gloria in Excelsis

23. In sung Masses and Masses celebrated with a congregation read, after kissing the altar or having incensed, the celebrant goes to the head, unless, by special provision in the church, he does seem more comfortable that it remains up to the altar prayer inclusive. The anthem of the entry if it is sung or recited by the choir or the people, is not said by the celebrant in particular, if not celebrating the bed and clasped hands, saying: Gloria Patri nods. Then the Kyrie the celebrant does not say especially if it is sung or recited by the people or the choir, but can easily sing or recite with the people or the choir.

24. After the last Kyrie eleison the celebrant begins, if we should say, Gloria in Excelsis Deo he does not especially if sung or recited by the people or the choir, but can easily sing or recite with the people or the choir.

25. But in the masses that are celebrated in particular, after having kissed the altar, the celebrant goes to the right side and then turned toward the altar, he reads the anthem of the entry as above. After resuming the anthem, hands clasped, he goes in the middle of the altar, and then turned toward him, he said three times Kyrie eleison three times Christe, eleison and three more times Kyrie eleison alternately with the minister, and then, if we should say, Gloria in excelsis, as above. Even in Masses celebrated with the people if the celebrant remains at the altar to the inclusive prayer, he read the anthem of the entry, whether to read the right side, he said Kyrie and Gloria in the middle of the altar.

26. A solemn mass, when the priest made the confession, he goes with the ministers in the middle of the altar there, having said Oramus te, Domine, and kissed the altar, he puts incense in the censer, the deacon with the shuttle and saying: Benedicite, pater Reverend, while this thurifer the censer. The celebrant puts incense in the censer, saying at the same time: Ab illo benedicaris, etc.. and, after dropping off the spoon, he blesses the incense in the censer by tracing over the sign of the cross with his right hand. Then the deacon, who made the shuttle takes the censer and give the celebrant who, after having made the cross an inclination, the incense three times without saying anything, and again after the inclination to cross He incenses the altar leading the censer three times at a distance from the center of the altar to the right side, then lowering his hand, he incenses the posterior end of the altar of first down, then up, two movements of the censer, having returned to the altar and raised his hand, he incenses the horizontal surface, or table, in front, directing the censer three times until at the middle and here, having the inclination to cross, he walks out incensing the other side of the altar three movements to the left side, he incenses along the lower and upper This left two movements, then still living in the same place, he raises the censer and incense three times the top of the table, turning toward the middle of the altar, as he did the right side and then, lowering his hand a little, he incenses the anterior or front, directing the censer three times while he was advancing on the left side to the middle of the altar, and having made the inclination to the cross, he incenses the same with the remaining three movements of the anterior side to the right. There, having made the censer to the deacon, he is praised, and he alone, by the latter. The deacon and subdeacon attend the celebration of both sides, when incensed, and they pass the cross, they are still genuflecting.

27. If on the altar of relics or images of saints, after the acclaimed cross and making him the inclination to leave before the middle of the altar, he incenses the first images or relics which located on the left of the altar, two movements of the censer, and again after the inclination to cross, he incenses the same way twice relics or images that are on the right of the altar, and then he continues to incense the altar as above giving three strokes on each side of flattery, even if there were a greater number of relics or images, more or smaller number of candlesticks.

28. If the tabernacle of the Holy Sacrament on the altar, having received the censer and incense before the start, he made a genuflection, and so each time it passes the middle of the altar.

29. If you can comfortably walk around the altar, the celebrant, after having praised, as above, the cross and the relics or images, incense three times above the table to the right side; Then, circling, and hand down a bit, he incenses the side twice himself, and then six times the other side of the altar, the left side twice, then three times above the table the left side into the middle of the altar, and finally hand down a bit, three times the anterior left side into the middle of the altar, and, after the inclination to cross, he similarly incensed three times the rest of the front side to the right.

30. For the Masses sung, if they make the incense, the celebrant behaves as it has been said above for the solemn Mass, at the end, he was praised by serving him.

31. The incense is completed, the celebrant goes with the ministers office and then, after the singing of Kyrie it begins, if we must say, the Gloria in Excelsis Deo it does not say in particular, but he can sing with the people or the choir.

V - Prayer

32. After saying the anthem Gloria in Excelsis or, if we should not say, having failed, the celebrant facing the people, extending then joining his hands, sing or say aloud: Dominus vobiscum, or if bishop: Pax Vobis (What he says at this point only when said Anthem Gloria in Excelsis). All answer Et cum spiritu tuo. Then the celebrant, extending and then joining his hands, said: Oremus, and having made a pause as he thinks fit, extend his hands and sings or says the prayer. In words Per Dominum he joins his hands and keeps them attached to the end of the prayer. If the prayer ends with Who tecum or Who vivis, he joins his hands when he says in unitate. At the end all answer: Amen.

33. When, in prayer or at another location of the mass, we pronounce the name of Jesus or Mary, and even when uttering the name of the saint or the Blessed which Mass is said, or commemorations that are made or the name of the Sovereign Pontiff, the celebrant bows his head. If we say many prayers, we observe each of them what was just said about the tone of voice, extending his hands and nod.

34. In Masses which are celebrated privately, and when the celebrant remains at the altar to the prayer, he kisses the altar before saying: Dominus vobiscum. Then he turned to the servant or to the people, saluted as above, and goes to the right side, where he said the prayer facing the altar. But he turned to the famous people, it does not turn its back on the altar to say Dominus vobiscum, Orate fratres, Ite, missa est, or to give the blessing, but after having kissed the altar in the middle, that's when extending and joining his hands, as above, he greets the people and the blessing.

35. Whenever, in saying Mass one must say the words Flectamus genua - Levate, The celebrant, extending and then joining his hands, "said Oremus then Flectamus genuaAnd immediately he bends his knees and prays in silence for a certain time, then he gets up, says Levate, and hands extended, says the prayer. Readings above the Epistle are read as they say here about the letter.

36. At the solemn Mass, when we say Dominus vobiscum and prayer, the deacon and subdeacon stand of both sides with the celebrant. Flectamus genua and Levate are sung by the deacon, the celebrant and all other bend their knees and pray as we said above. The deacon sings Flectamus genua before bending the knees, and Levate after getting up.

VI - The Epistle, the Gradual and following up the offertory

37. In Masses celebrated privately, after saying the prayers, the celebrant with his hands on the book or on the altar or (if preferred) holding the book, reads the letter aloud intelligibly the minister responds : Deo gratias. Similarly, standing in the same way, it continues its gradual, theAlleluia and the line and sequence, if we say them. Then the minister or celebrant himself is the missal at the left side of the altar, and when he passes the middle of the altar, he nods toward the cross, and he asks the missal of such so that the posterior part of the book looks at this side of the altar and not the party facing it.

38. After having carried the missal on the left of the altar, the celebrant standing in the middle with clasped hands, and looked after and have crusts soon, bowed deeply and said softly: Munda cor meum and Iube benedicere Domine, Dominus sit in rope Meo, as in the ordinary. After saying these prayers, it is the missal and then turned toward him, hands clasped, he said in an intelligible Dominus vobiscum R /.Et cum spiritu tuo. Then the thumb of the right hand he made the sign of the cross on the first book to where he will begin the Gospel reading, then himself, on his forehead, mouth and chest, saying Sequentia or Initium sancti Evangelii, etc.. R /.Gloria tibi Domine. Then, having joined hands again in the same position as above, it continues until the end of the gospel. When finished, the minister, standing behind the lower level of the altar, answered: Laus tibi, Christe, and the priest, raising a little book, fuck the location of the beginning of the gospel by saying: Per evangelica dicta etc.. except in Masses for the dead.

39. After saying the gospel, standing in the middle of the altar, he begins Credo (If we must say), and continues with hands joined. When he says Et incarnatus, until and homo factus est inclusive, he bows.

40. The symbol is completed, or, if one does not say, after the Gospel, the celebrant kisses the altar, hands clasped, running and stretching hands, said: Dominus vobiscum. The clasped hands again, he returns to the middle of the altar where extending then clasping his hands, he said: Oremus.

41. A solemn Mass, the prayer ended, the sub-deacon takes the book and after, if necessary, the required hello to the altar and the celebrant ascends the ambo or cancels visits to and then turned to the people, sings or reads the epistle it is completed, unless it is a Mass for the dead, he goes to the celebrant and angled, receives the blessing.

42. After the singing of the gradual, if not a mass for the dead, the celebrant, sitting, and blessed is the incense. Then the deacon carries the Book of the Gospels to the altar and places it in the middle, then, kneeling before the altar, hands joined, he said: Munda cor meum, etc.. Then he got up, took the book on the altar, goes to the celebrant, and sloping demand the blessing, saying: Iube, Domna, benedicere. The celebrant, standing, replied: Dominus sit in rope tuo, etc.. After receiving the blessing, the deacon, preceded by the sycophant and two acolytes bearing lighted candelabra, went with the sub-deacon in his left, the pulpit or cancels and there, with the sub-deacon his left, and if there is no desk, holding the book, the acolytes of taking sides, he sings or says: Dominus vobiscum, hands clasped. When he says: Sequentia etc.. he thumbs his right hand the book at the beginning of the gospel he will sing or play, then he signs himself on the forehead, mouth and chest, and while all answer: Gloria tibi, Domine He incenses the book three times, and then he continues the gospel, his hands clasped.

43. The celebrant, standing, listens to the gospel to his seat, and other signs with the words Sequentia sancti Evangelii, etc.. When the Gospel is finished, he kissed the book that the sub-deacon brought him, saying: Per evangelica dicta etc.. If the Mass is celebrated in the presence of the Sovereign Pontiff or other prelates mentioned above, it is they who are bringing the gospel to kiss, and the celebrant does not kiss or say Per evangelica dicta etc.. After the Gospel, the celebrant or the prelate now, is not praised. The homily, the universal symbol and prayer are as stated below.

44. At the Mass sung or read at Mass with people's participation, should the lessons and the epistle is sung or read by a reader or using the pulpit able or cancels, while the celebrant, as shown above, sits and listens. The songs that follow these readings, unless they are read or sung by the choir or the people, expressed by the reader or used in the same place, but it at the end, do not receive the blessing the celebrant. The gospel can still be sung or read as indicated above, by the deacon or another priest, dressed in alb and stole.

45. But if there is no deacon or another priest, the gospel is said by the celebrant. While they sing or read theAlleluia his verse or toward the end of other songs that follow the epistle, the celebrant goes to the lower level of the altar and there, bowing, he said: Munda cor meum, Domine Iube and Dominus sit in rope meoAnd then he goes to the ambo or cancels to sing or read the gospel. At the end he kisses the book, saying: Per evangelica dicta etc.. unless there is a prelate, as shown above.

46. If no player can or used, the celebrant himself reads or sings as the readings and the Epistle to the ambo or cancels, and unless they are read or sung by the choir or the people, adds the songs that follow the readings. Then, standing in one place, he said: Munda cor meum, facing the altar and turned back to the people he sings or reads the gospel.

47. But if there is no pulpit, or if it seems more appropriate, the celebrant can still proclaim all readings at the altar, facing the people.

48. In a Sung Mass, which is not a Mass for the dead, if we use the incense, the celebrant blessed and puts it before saying Munda cor meum. At the beginning of the gospel, it incenses the book three times in the gospel, but in the end it fails the censing the celebrant.

49. During the singing or reading of the Epistle and the Gospel is not never kneel, except in the narrative of the Passion. In the songs that come between the readings, we kneel only to verse Veni, Sancte Spiritus the feast of Pentecost, in the Creed, the words Et incarnatus there is always the inclination, but festivities kneels to the Lord's Nativity and the Annunciation of the Virgin.

50. After the Gospel, the celebrant, at its headquarters at the altar or the pulpit or cancels, gave the homily, he must make, and when it is finished, at headquarters or the altar, he begins, if one should say, Credo in unum DeumAnd if it is sung or recited by the people or the choir, it does not say in particular, but he can sing or recite with the people or the choir.

51. Then, according to the custom of each place, is the universal prayer, the celebrant leads to his seat, or the altar or the pulpit or cancels. After the end of the Creed, therefore, the celebrant facing the people said: Dominus vobiscum. R /.Et cum spiritu tuo. Then he adds: Oremus, and it is the universal prayer. If the celebrant is at the altar, he kisses before saying Dominus vobiscumOtherwise he will not kiss that when he goes to the altar, after the end of the universal prayer. But if we do not make the universal prayer the celebrant kisses the altar, then turned to the people, he said: Dominus vobiscum, R /.Et cum spiritu tuo. Then he adds Oremus. And the offertory antiphon follows immediately.

VII - The offertory anthem and following up Canon

52. From the offertory at the end of Mass, all done at the altar. Therefore, what needs to be said in the midst of the altar, the celebrant says the same place, facing the altar, unless it is settled otherwise.

53. The chalice and communion wafers for the celebrant and the faithful, if they have been prepared on a table, were brought to the altar, and the missal, while we sing the anthem or reciting the offertory with his psalm, which, if it is recited or sung by the people or the choir is not read by the celebrant. Then the celebrant discovers the chalice, and the right hand takes the blade above the host, takes the paten with the host, and, holding both hands high, looked after and have lowered soon, said : Suscipe, Sancte Pater etc..

54. If there are other hosts to spend not on the paten, but on the body, or the chalice for the communion of the people, he discovered the chalice with his right hand, and also her manager for the offering to and the consecration of the hosts then, he said, as above: Suscipe, etc.., as in the Ordinary of the mass. That said, holding the paten with both hands, he does with it the sign of the cross above the corporal, he files the host in the middle of the anterior part of the corporal who is before him, and paten to the right , slightly under the body, purifying it covers from the cup after suffering as we say. If there is a ciborium with other hosts, it covers its lid.

55. Then he takes the chalice with the purifying wipes, and taking the left hand by the node receives the cruet of wine from the minister's hand and pours wine into the chalice. Then, holding the chalice in the same way, he makes the sign of the cross on the flask of water and said: Deus, qui substantia Humanae, and pouring a little water in the chalice he continues: Da nobis per huius aquae and vini mysterium, etc.. In Masses for the dead there is no sign of the cross on the water, but he shall without benediction, saying the prayer as above.

56. When he poured the water into the chalice and finished the prayer that we have said, it takes the right hand found the chalice, and stood before the middle of the altar he is high with both hands that is to say that the left hand he holds the foot and the right hand node in the cup, and he offers it, looking up, saying: Offerimus tibi Domine etc.. When he said this prayer, he makes the sign of the cross with the chalice above the body, he places it back in the middle of the host and it covers the entire blade. Then, hands clasped and resting on the altar, a little bow, he whispered: In spiritu humilitatis, etc.. Then, having recovered, after having looked up, then have them immediately lowered, extending his hands and turning up, he joined immediately and said: Veni sanctificator, etc.. and when it says and benediction, he makes the right hand the sign of the cross on both the host and the chalice, the left hand resting on the altar.

57. Then, with hands clasped, he went to the right side of the altar, the minister pouring water, he washes his hands, saying the psalm: Sink Inter innocent with Gloria Patri etc.. and this verse is omitted in Masses for the dead and Masses to the time of 1 Passion Sunday until Holy Thursday inclusive.

58. The celebrant, after washing their hands, and towels, keeping them joined, back in the middle of the altar there, raising and lowering his eyes once, his hands clasped on the altar and a little bow, he whispered prayer: Suscipe, sancta Trinitas, etc.. When he said, he kisses the altar and then, hands clasped, he turns to the people, and towards extending and joining his hands, he told the voice that should Orate, fratres, ut meum ac Vestrum sacrificium, etc.. he completes the circle back, hands clasped around the middle of the altar. And the minister or the assistant who answered: Dominus Suscipiat sacrificium of manibus tuis, etc.., hands outstretched as one does for prayer, standing in the middle of the altar, turned to the book, he sings or says aloud immediately, without Oremus and without insert, prayer or prayer over the offerings. When he says Per Dominum he joins hands when he says Iesum Christum, he nods, he made the first prayer and the last, if we must say more.

59. A solemn Mass, when we started the offertory anthem, the deacon goes to the altar on the right side and the subdeacon brings credence to the altar, the chalice with the paten and the wafer covered with the blade and soft, with the corporal inside the purse sidekick on the cruets of wine and water accompanying the sub-deacon. Deacon extends the corporal in the middle of the altar, the chalice and then discovers the celebrant gives the paten with the host, the sub-deacon wipes the chalice with the purifying and the deacon, having received the cruet of wine from the hand sub-deacon pours wine into the chalice, the sub-deacon, meanwhile, showing the celebrant burette water, said: Benedicite, pater ReverendAnd the celebrant, after having to clear the sign of the cross, says the prayer: Deus, qui Humanae, etc.. and during that time, the sub-deacon pours a little water into the chalice, then moving to the left of the celebrant, the deacon gives the cup to him and, touching the foot of the cup or supporting the right arm of the celebrant says to him: Offerimus tibi, Domine etc.. and then covers the chalice of the blade resting on the altar, as above.

60. When he said Veni, sanctificator, As above, the celebrant, the deacon who has the shuttle, saying: Benedicite, pater Reverend, puts incense into the censer, saying: Per intercessionem, etc.., as in the Ordinary of the mass. Then, receiving the censer from the hand of the deacon, without any inclination to cross, he incenses the offerings before directing the censer three times over the chalice and the host at the same time, cross-shaped, and three times around the chalice and host, that is to say it twice from right to left and once from left to right (Meanwhile, the deacon holds the foot of the chalice with his right hand) and he said: Incensum istud benedictum ascendat te ad te, Domine: descendat and our super misericordia tua. Then, having been the inclination, he incenses the cross and the altar as we said above, assisted by the deacon and subdeacon, while saying: Dirigatur, Domine, oratio mea, etc.., and when he incenses the cross, the deacon removes the chalice in the middle, and, once praised the cross, gave it to him. In making the censer to the deacon, the priest says: Accendat in nobis etc.. and he is praised by him. Then the deacon incenses three shots each on both sides of the choir as a whole, but if there are Ordinary and bishops, he incenses individually, and finally he incenses the subdeacon. Then the deacon himself was praised by the sycophant, sycophant and then incensed the people. The celebrant, once it has been lauded, washes his hands, his acolytes with the cruet of water, the basin and the towel. Then the kicker is the missal on the altar. A sung mass, if we make the incense, the celebrant behaves like the solemn mass, and in the end it was praised by the servant who then also incenses the clergy and people.

VIII - The Canon of the Mass until the consecration

61. When the prayers over the offerings are completed, the celebrant says: Dominus vobiscum, hands on the altar. When he says: Sursum corda it raises a few outstretched hands of both sides to the chest and he joined when he says: Deo Gratias agamus Domino nostro. After the answer: Dignum and iustum is hands extended as before, it continues the preface when it is finished, hands clasped, he sings or says Sanctus-Benedictus with ministers, the clergy and people.

62. Then the celebrant, standing before the middle of the altar and turned toward him, extending and raising a few hands and eyes raised and once lowered, hands clasped and resting on the altar, bowing, Canon continues saying in a low voice Te igitur, etc.. as in the Ordinary of the mass. When he says: Uti and accepted habeas Benedic etc.., he kisses the altar first, then rises and remains hands clasped. When he says: haec + dona, haec + munera, haec sancta + sacrificia, he makes the right hand the sign of the cross three times on the host and the chalice together. Then, with hands extended, he continues, In primis quae tibi offerimus, etc..

63. When he says: una cum Papa nostro famulo tuo N., he pronounces the name of the pope, but if the seat is vacant, these words are omitted. Where it says and Antistite nostro N, it specifies the name of the bishop, who is the Ordinary of the diocese where the famous, and not a superior, even if the celebrant is free or under the jurisdiction of another bishop. If the bishop is the Ordinary of the place where Mass is celebrated is deceased, these words are omitted, and it also fails when the famous Rome. If the celebrant is a bishop, archbishop or patriarch, who omitted these words, he said instead: and I indigno servo tuo. As the Sovereign Pontiff, when celebrating, having omitted the words: una cum Papa nostro famulo tuo N. and Antistite nostro N., he said: una cum tuo me famulo indigno, greg tuo quem praeesse voluisti. And all continue with the following: bus and Orthodox etc..

64. When he says: Memento, Domine, he joins his hands and remains a bit of time to rest, making commemoration of Christian living, at its option, and if he wants he commemorated in a whisper their names. However, it is not necessary to express them, but it should at least have their memory in his mind. The officiant may yet if he wants to pray for more, but not to wait for the assistants, recalled to his mind before the Mass all those, both living and dead, for which he intends to pray during the Mass, and in this place to remember those living in general, by a single expression.

65. Where did commemoration of the living, with hands extended as before, he continues: And circumstantium omnium, etc.. In the same attitude he continues: Communicating. When he says Iesu Christi He bows his head at the conclusion when he says: Per eundem, he joins his hands. When he says: Hanc igitur oblationem, he extends his hands together on the Oblates, so that the palms are open in the direction and above the chalice and host, and he holds his hands up and words: Per Christum Dominum nostrum. For then he joins his hands and continues: Oblationem quam tu, Deus, in omnibus, quaesumus, and when he says: bene+balm, adscrip+tam, ra+tom it is three times the overall sign of the cross on the host and the chalice together, then when he says: ut nobis Cor+pus it is separately crossed once the host only, and when he says: and San+mistletoes, once the cup only, then, clasping his hands, he continues: Filii tui Domini fiat dilectissima nostri Iesu Christi, and bowing his head he wipes, if necessary, the thumbs and index fingers on the body, and he said quietly as before: Who Pridie quam pateretur, And took the host of the thumb and forefinger of his right hand and holding it with both hands and with the forefinger and thumb left, right before the remaining middle of the Altar, he says: acceptable in panem ac sancta Venerabile manus suas, and, raising his eyes and dropping soon, he said: oculis in caelum and elevata ad te Deum patrem suum omnipotentem, and bowing his head slightly, he said: tibi gratias agens, and, holding the host between thumb and forefinger of his left hand, he is over it the sign of the cross with his right hand, saying: bene+dixit, Frege, deditque discipulis am, dicen: Accipiter and ex hoc omnes manducate. If there is a ciborium with other hosts to spend, before taking the (larger) wafer, he discovers the ciborium of the right hand.

66. When he finished the words aforesaid, elbows on the altar, he utters clearly and with respect the words of consecration over the host or the hosts, if we spend more. And taking the Host only between his thumb and forefinger, he said: Hoc est enim Corpus meum. After uttering these words, the celebrant, holding the host in your thumbs and index fingers on the altar, the other fingers are extended and joined together, making a genuflection, he loves it. So, rising, he elevates the host and, eyes fixed on it (which he also raising the chalice), he shows with respect to the people to be adored, and immediately, the only right hand, he relies on the corporal with respect to the same place where he had taken to raise, and now he severed-thumb and index finger, except when he has to touch or handle the consecrated host, until the washing of hands after Communion.

67. After having rested the consecrated host on the corporal, making a genuflection, he reveres, if there is a chalice with other hosts, he covers his cover as above. The Minister must advise the faithful a little before the consecration, a signal of the bell. Then he shakes the bell at each elevation, according to the custom of each place.

68. The celebrant, after adoring the Eucharist, rises and discovers the chalice above which, if necessary, he wipes his fingers, he will always be adhered to if a piece fingers and holding right He said Simili modo World Postquam cenatum is both hands and taking the chalice by the node under the cup, then raising it a bit and the applicant immediately, he said: accipiens and hunc praeclarum Calicem in sancta Venerabile manus suas ac, etc.. When he says: item tibi gratias agens, He bows his head when he said benedixit, taking the left hand the cup under the thumb of his right hand he makes the sign of the cross over him and continued: deditque discipulis am etc.. and, holding the chalice with both hands - that is to say, holding up his left hand, the node under the thumb of his right hand - elbows poses on the altar, pronounced carefully, without interruption, as above, the words of the consecration of the blood Hic est enim Calix etc.. These words once said, it is the chalice on the corporal and said Haec quotiescumque feceritis, etc.. and, making a genuflection, he loves respectfully blood. Then he rose and, taking the chalice with both hands open as before, he elevates and it gives people to be adored, and immediately it is with respect to the body, where it was before hand he covers the right of the blade, and making a genuflection, he worships the sacrament.

69. At the solemn mass, from the prayer over the offerings, the deacon and subdeacon stand behind the celebrant. But the deacon approached the celebrant when he needs his ministry, and he immediately returns to its place.

70. At the end of the preface, the acolytes at least two lighted candles, which were extinguished after the communion of the faithful. When the celebrant says: Quam oblationem, etc.., the deacon goes to her right there on the upper level of the altar, kneels and when it is needed, gets up, discovers and covers the chalice, and genuflects with the celebrant . The sub-deacon kneeling on the right side, incense three times the host when the celebrating students, and even the chalice was placed incense in the censer before the sidekick without blessing, which is observed also by serving the masses sung when they make the incense. When the celebrant has had the chalice, the deacon and subdeacon behind her back.

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